David Bogue MD


Premier Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton, FL

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Bogue provides advanced plastic surgical care to people from across South Florida. Specializing in breast surgery, and body surgery, Dr. Bogue is personally committed to providing results that achieve your goals and give you confidence.

Dr. Bogue is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, serves as the Chief of Surgery at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, and is an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Bogue trained at the University of Michigan and Georgetown University, and has authored several book chapters and peer-reviewed articles on plastic surgery.

Prestigiously trained and extensively experienced, Dr. Bogue has the credentials to provide outstanding results.

Furthermore, we believe our patients' reviews and their experiences at our practice speak for themselves. Men and women from across the country have expressed their satisfaction with Dr. Bogue's skills, compassion and results in numerous patient reviews and letters we have received throughout the years. For Dr. Bogue, your happiness with your new look is the driving force behind the care we provide everyday.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Bogue in Boca Raton, Florida, please call our experienced staff at 561-886-1000. Dr. Bogue provides outstanding aesthetic results for people from greater Fort Lauderdale area.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon - Dr. David Bogue

Dr. Bogue brings integrity, skill, trust and compassion to his plastic surgery patients with the goal of making your visit “the only consultation you will ever need.” Custom treatment plans are made for each patient after considering the desired outcome, safety concerns, and lifestyle. This custom approach to plastic surgery is why our patients consistently rate us highly and refer us to their friends and family.

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Breast implants can help boost your confidence when you first get them. But over time, your preferences, lifestyle, or health ...
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Signs a Breast Reduction May Be Right for You

For women struggling with discomfort or self-confidence issues related to overly large breasts, breast reduction surgery can be a life-changing ...
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Monday: 8am - 4pm
Tuesday: 8am - 4pm
Wednesday: 8am - 4pm
Thursday: 8am - 4pm
Friday: 8am - 2pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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