Breast augmentation with breast implants is one of the most popular plastic surgeries, with hundreds of thousands of women pursuing a larger bust each year. Unfortunately, some women later choose to have breast implant removal because of physical pain or unhappiness with their results.
Dr. David Bogue in Boca Raton is a board-certified plastic surgeon who started as a breast reconstruction surgeon, making him an ideal choice for your breast explant procedure.
If you're interested in this breast surgery, contact Dr. Bogue today at 561-886-1000 to schedule your initial consultation. He has an excellent reputation among patients for delivering stunning results and a thorough consultation experience. He serves patients throughout the Boca Raton, Florida, area, including Fort Lauderdale, Delray Beach, and West Palm Beach.
It's important for you to understand the breast implant removal procedure and the overall process from your one-on-one consultation to your final follow-up. Some of the questions Dr. Bogue often hears include:
- What Is a Breast Explant Procedure?
- Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Implant Removal?
- What Will My Breasts Look Like After Removal?
- What Is En-Bloc Removal?
- Textured Breast Implant Removals
- Can I Combine Breast Implant Removal and a Breast Lift?
- Why Choose Dr. Bogue for Breast Implant Removal?
- Will My Insurance Cover Breast Explant?
- Schedule Your Breast Explant Consultation in Boca RatonÂ
What Is a Breast Explant Procedure?
The removal of breast implants is known as an explant procedure. Women choose to have their implants removed for a variety of reasons - both for cosmetic concerns and for health concerns, including:
- Discomfort with the implants - pain, firmness, or feeling the edges of the implants
- The breasts have enlarged over the years and now are too big with the implants

- Rupture of the implants
- Difficulty finding clothes that conceal the breasts or properly fit
- Health concerns regarding breast implants (Breast Implant Illness) and whether the implants are playing a role.
Regardless of reason, implant removal is a common procedure performed by Dr. Bogue. Included in every implant removal is a complete removal and pathologic examination of the breast implant capsule (known as a total capsulectomy). In recent years, there has been an increased concern among some patients regarding possible autoimmune issues related to their implants.
This is commonly referred to as Breast Implant Illness and includes symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pains, cognitive disorders, and weakness. Many of these patients are seeking plastic surgeons with experience performing en-bloc resections and implant removal, such as Dr. Bogue in Boca Raton.
Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Implant Removal?
Most women who wish to remove their breast implants are great candidates. Many of the patients Dr. Bogue sees are women in their forties or older who no longer identify with their original breast augmentations or wish to have a more natural look. Some are emotionally or physically uncomfortable with their breast implants while others are concerned about implant rupture. Overall, you should be in good overall health and understand what your results will look like once you’ve healed.
If you have a medical condition that complicates your health and may increase the risks involved with the explant procedure, you may need to wait to remove your implants until you’re in better health and your body is ready for surgery. You may need to discontinue taking medications or supplements as well, but Dr. Bogue will discuss your candidacy in depth during your consultation and go over your medical history.
What Will My Breasts Look Like After Removal?
This is the most common concern when women are deciding on implant removal. Removing an implant is an immediate deflation of the breast. How the breast responds depends upon many factors: the size of the implant, the size of the breasts, and the tone/position of the breasts. Removal of a small implant in a larger breast that is sitting in good position on the chest may only lose some fullness in the upper breast.
Removal of a large implant under a thin or small breast can leave a distorted breast, which can be difficult to correct. In many cases a breast lift or a breast reduction is performed to improve the shape and position of the breast. Dr. Bogue will provide a detailed explanation of the various techniques available to help restore the breasts to a natural appearance.
What Is En-Bloc Removal?
En-Bloc removal is a term that indicates removal of the entire capsule including a margin of healthy tissue for treatment of suspected or confirmed breast implant related tumors. This is not a standard procedure for removing breast implants and is not indicated for routine implant removal.
A total capsulectomy is the complete removal of the implant scar capsule, either as a single unit or in pieces.
Dr. Bogue offers total capsulectomy for all patients having an explant. He has extensive experience performing this operation. Dr. Bogue always sends the removed capsule for pathologic examination. To ensure proper healing, drains are placed, which are typically removed one week later.
Textured Breast Implant Removals

In recent years, more information has come to light regarding the impact of textured implants on the breast implant capsule. Textured implants have a surface that essentially "sticks" to the implant scar capsule. This is used to lower capsular contracture rates, improve implant positioning, and limit long term movement of the implant.
Over the years, a very rare tumor has become associated with these implants. Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a lymphoma of the breast implant capsule which can occur years after textured implant placement. The incidence of this tumor is 1:3,000 to 1:30,000. It typically presents with a fluid collection in the breast. When examined, this fluid contains lymphoma cells.
The treatment is complete removal of the breast implant capsule and the implant. Currently, the FDA does NOT recommend automatic removal of these implants. However, we have many patients with textured implants who would prefer to remove these implants rather than observe their breasts for possible fluid collections.
Dr. Bogue has over 15 years of experience removing breast implants and their associated capsules.
Can I Combine Breast Implant Removal and a Breast Lift?
The explant procedure is often combined with a breast lift to improve symmetry and positioning after the implant is removed. As breast implant removal can make the breast appear deflated, a breast lift repositions the nipple, reshapes the breast tissue, and tightens the skin to provide perky, aesthetically pleasing results. When a breast lift is added to the explant surgery, it requires breast reconstruction because of the total capsulectomy. That requires the skilled hands of a plastic surgeon with experience in breast reconstruction.
In addition to a breast lift, some women have chosen fat transfer breast augmentation to enhance breast volume without a foreign object (breast implant). The procedure uses fat cells harvested from another part of your body to increase breast size and recontour the breasts. Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy has also been used to provide moderate size increase and address skin texture irregularities of the breasts.
Will I Have Scarring After My Breast Implants Are Removed?
Some patients may have slight scarring following their breast implant removal, however, Dr. Bogue focuses on creating new incisions in areas of the breast where visibility of scarring can be minimized. Often, Dr. Bogue will also use the same incision to remove the breast implants that were made to insert them, reducing the need for added incisions and scarring.
Are There Any Risks of Getting My Implants Removed?
Breast implant removal is a safe procedure with minimal pain, though most patients won’t be able to feel anything during the procedure while under anesthesia. Some risks that come with this procedure, however, include infection, pain, hematoma, and scarring. This procedure is not as invasive as getting implants inserted, however, patients may experience sagging, droopiness, or uneven shape following removal.
If I Decide to Get Implants Again Someday, Can I?
Yes. If you are thinking of one-day getting breast implants again, you will be able to do so in the future following a full recovery from breast implant removal surgery. Dr. Bogue is a highly talented and committed plastic surgeon, with years of experience in not only breast implants and removal, but also breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reconstruction.
What Is Recovery Like After Breast Implant Removal?
Breast implant removal is typically performed while patients are asleep under general anesthesia, however, patients may feel the effects of their procedure afterward. While most patients are able to return to their normal routines in two weeks, some experience tenderness or soreness from their procedure for up to six weeks, which is normal. Avoiding strenuous and dangerous activities will help speed up your recovery process. Following proper aftercare and other guidelines from Dr. Bogue will help avoid complications from healing during your recovery period.
Will I Have Scars After My Breast Implants Are Removed?
Yes, scarring is a common outcome after breast implant removal. However, the extent and visibility of scars depend on various factors, such as:
- Your skin type
- The surgical technique used
- How well your body heals
If the original incision from your implant surgery is reused, the scars may be in the same place. Regardless of location, scars generally fade over time and become less noticeable.Â
Following your surgeon's post-operative care instructions is also essential to optimize healing and reduce scarring.
How Long Is the Recovery Period?
The recovery period after breast implant removal varies depending on the extent of the surgery and individual factors such as overall health and adherence to post-operative care.
Generally, most patients can return to light activities within a week. However, full recovery can take several weeks to a few months. During this time, you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which should gradually subside. It's crucial to follow Dr. Bogue's guidelines, avoid strenuous activities, and attend regular follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth recovery.
Can I Get Breast Implants Again in the Future if I Want To?
Yes, it is possible to get breast implants again in the future if you choose to do so.
Some women opt for implant removal as a temporary measure, planning to replace them later. However, it's essential to discuss your long-term goals with Dr. Bogue to ensure that your body is healthy and that the breast tissue and skin are suitable for future implant placement.Â
Factors like skin elasticity, the amount of remaining breast tissue, and any previous complications will influence the feasibility of getting implants again.
How Should I Prepare for Explant Surgery?
Preparing for breast implant removal surgery involves several steps:
- Consult your surgeon to discuss your goals, medical history, and concerns
- Undergo pre-operative tests to confirm your health statusÂ
- Stop smoking
- Avoid certain medications and supplements
- Follow any dietary restrictions Dr. Bogue recommends
- Arrange for help during your recovery
- Prepare your home for post-operative care to aid in a comfortable and stress-free recovery
What Are the Potential Complications if I Don't Remove a Ruptured Implant?
Failing to remove a ruptured breast implant can lead to several complications.Â
If a saline implant ruptures, the body will absorb the saline, but the remaining shell can cause inflammation or scar tissue formation.
With silicone implants, a rupture may not be immediately noticeable (a "silent rupture"). However, over time, silicone gel can leak into surrounding tissues, leading to pain, changes in breast shape, or hardening of the breast.Â
Leaving a ruptured implant untreated increases the risk of infection, further complications, and more complex surgery in the future.
Will I Need Drains After My Breast Implant Removal Surgery?
Whether you will need drains after breast implant removal surgery depends on the complexity of your procedure and the extent of tissue removal.
Drains are often used to prevent fluid buildup and reduce swelling. They're particularly important if there is significant tissue removal or if en-bloc removal is performed.Â
Dr. Bogue will determine if drains are necessary based on your specific case and will provide guidance on their care and removal.
Why Choose Dr. Bogue for Breast Implant Removal?
Not only is David Bogue, MD a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, he is considered a leader in the plastic surgery industry and medical community overall. He’s known for his dedication to patients and delivering excellent results. Dr. Bogue was the Chief of the Department of Surgery at Boca Raton Regional Hospital and is a published author and researcher in the plastic and reconstructive surgery field.
Dr. Bogue got his start in the field as a breast reconstruction surgeon, making breast explant, particularly combined with breast lift, one of his specialties. With decades of experience and countless satisfied patients, our Boca Raton plastic surgeon is a top choice for women looking for breast implant removal.
Will My Insurance Cover Breast Explant?
Your insurance may or may not cover the cost of breast implant removal. It comes down to the reasoning behind your initial breast augmentation. Did you get breast implants after a single or double mastectomy? Or, to correct uneven breasts or tubular breasts? If your breast augmentation was deemed medically necessary at the time, your provider may cover the explant procedure. However, if your breast implants were purely cosmetic, you’ll likely need to cover the cost of the removal.
Our plastic surgery office in Boca Raton offers financing information to help you decide how to pay for your procedure. While we accept cash, credit, and check, we also understand that some patients may benefit from affordable payment plans, which is why we offer CareCredit™ financial assistance.
Schedule Your Breast Explant Consultation with Dr. Bogue in Boca Raton
During your consultation, Dr. Bogue will review the procedure in detail, whether en-bloc removal is necessary, whether additional procedures may improve your results, and what to expect in the recovery period.
If you are considering removal of your implants, call Dr. Bogue today at 561-886-1000 to schedule a consultation to review your options. Dr. Bogue is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and all of the surrounding areas of Florida.