What Are the Most Common Reasons for Breast Implant Revision?

Breast augmentation is an effective way to increase your breast size and achieve a more attractive breast shape. When performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, breast augmentation can deliver beautiful, natural looking results that last a long time. However, it’s important to understand that your implants aren’t meant to last forever. At some point, you will most likely need to undergo a breast implant revision procedure.

There are many different reasons why you may need to undergo breast implant revision. Below are some of the most common causes.

Change in Desired Breast Size

woman in red bikini on the beach after breast implant revision surgeryThe most common reason why women choose to undergo breast implant revision is due to dissatisfaction with their new breast size. For some women, they may decide their implants aren’t large enough. For others, they may decide they want a smaller implant.

Common reasons why women decide they want to change their implant size include:

  • Very large implants interfere with an active lifestyle
  • Development of back pain from very large implants
  • Changing beauty trends which make a larger or smaller size become more desirable
  • A feeling that the original implants simply didn’t deliver the desired increase in size

Address an Unsatisfactory Outcome

While most women experience excellent results, there are some instances when an unsatisfactory outcome occurs. This may be due to aesthetic reasons or to complications. Dr. Bogue can correct a poor aesthetic result as well as any complications you’ve experienced.

Common complications which may require a revision include:

  • Capsular contracture – Scar tissue surrounding the breast implant hardens, causing discomfort and in some cases, an unattractive appearance.
  • Rippling – In some instances, implants may develop a rippled or wrinkled appearance. This is most common in women with minimal natural breast tissue to cover the implant.
  • Implant malposition – Breast implants may rotate on occasion. For round implants, this won’t impact your appearance. However, teardrop shaped implants will develop an unnatural appearance when they rotate.
  • Symmastia – Symmastia is a condition that occurs when the breasts meet at the center of the chest. This most commonly develops when very large breast implants are used.

Implant Rupture

While rare, breast implant rupture does occur on occasion. When a saline implant ruptures, the solution in the implant will be safely absorbed by your body. However, you’ll develop a deflated breast appearance.

When a silicone implant ruptures, you won’t notice any change to your breast appearance. There is no danger to your body and the silicone gel will retain its shape and form. However, it’s still best to replace a ruptured silicone implant. Dr. Bogue recommends getting periodic MRIs to detect for the presence of a rupture in silicone implants.

Contact our Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon

Please contact Dr. David Bogue using the form on this page or call 561-886-1000 today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in Boca Raton, Delray Beach and the surrounding areas of Florida.

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