Is your mirror showing you a few more wrinkles than you’d like? It can be upsetting – but maybe you aren’t ready for a facelift or other surgical procedure to make you look younger just yet. Have you considered injectable fillers?
What you need to know about injectable fillers
If you are new to the idea of injectable fillers, you no doubt have some questions! Here are some things you should know:
• Fillers are noninvasive. One benefit to getting fillers is that they don’t involve surgery, just simple injections.
• Filler treatments are fast. And, there is no downtime needed afterward. Getting a filler treatment is done so quickly that many people have it done on their lunch hour and then get right back to work.
• There are different fillers for different results. JUVÉDERM® has different fillers to choose from: one reduces wrinkles around the mouth and adds volume to the lips and another type helps with sagging cheeks. Restylane® helps to reduce the wrinkles between the nose and mouth and those lines that form around the lips. Fillers can also help to improve sunken cheeks and the hollow areas underneath the eyes.
• Fillers have important ingredients for skin. These may include poly-L-lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, and calcium hydroxylapatite – ingredients that stimulate collagen production, add structure to sagging skin, and help to moisturize the skin.
• Fillers aren’t just for the older generation. Younger people in their 20s and 30s are getting fillers, too, to help prevent the signs of aging.
• Fillers provide instant results. You’ll see a difference right away.
• Fillers will last for months. Depending on what part of the face you get the filler in, you may see results from 6 to 18 months.
• Fillers don’t have many side effects. They are safe and are FDA approved. You may have some redness and bruising, but these should be minimal and should disappear quickly.
Another thing you should know about fillers is that patients love them! Contact David Bogue Plastic Surgery for a filler consultation. The staff at Dr. Bogue’s office can advise you on which filler is right for you! Call the office in Boca Raton, Florida, at 561-886-1000.