What Can Injectable Fillers Treat?

Satisfied girl doing face treatment in morning

Young woman examining her face in the mirror.Injectable fillers are a great option for those who want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines. However, there are many other issues that injectable fillers can treat. Dr. David Bogue can help you find an injectable filler that addresses your needs, leaving you with a gorgeous look.

The non-invasive injectable fillers used by Dr. Bogue treat a variety of flaws in the skin, including:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Thin lips
  • Deflated cheeks
  • Sunken scars

Depending on what kind of results you desire, there are a few fillers to choose from. Each of these fillers has a unique set of advantages and can be used on different parts of the face.

Juvederm® is a good choice for those who want to smooth out lines around their mouth and add more volume to their cheeks. This dermal filler uses hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the body, to restore the moisture in your skin. Dr. Bogue offers Juvederm® Ultra and Ultra Plus to treat thin areas or deep wrinkles around the eyes, lips, and nasolabial folds. He also uses Juvederm® Voluma to rejuvenate the appearance of your cheeks, making them look soft and full.

Restylane® is another hyaluronic acid filler used to treat facial creases and folds. This dermal filler is particularly good for reducing the appearance of laugh lines, smoker’s lines, and marionettes. It is also great for correcting hollowness around the eyes, plumping up the lips, and adding volume to the cheeks.

The best part about injectable fillers is that the treatment only takes a few minutes. However, to maintain your results, you may have to get a follow up treatment every few months or years, depending on which filler you use. Dr. Bogue can give you a skin care routine that will help maintain your results.

Restore Your Youthful Appearance – Call Dr. Bogue Today

If you want to learn more about how injectable fillers can help reinvigorate your beauty, contact Dr. Bogue to schedule an appointment. We proudly serve patients living in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and other South Florida communities.

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