Am I a Candidate for Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes enlarged male breast tissue, and it is much more common than most people realize. Over 50% of males will develop gynecomastia at some point in their lives. If enlarged breast tissue causes you self-consciousness, Dr. Bogue can perform male breast reduction to restore a more masculine appearance.

The best way to determine whether you’re a good candidate for male breast reduction is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bogue. That being said, there are some basic criteria that you must meet in order to undergo gynecomastia surgery.

Preliminary Steps to Take

man with gynecomastia with his arms folded across his shirtless chestIn many instances, gynecomastia can be treated without surgery. Before choosing to undergo male breast reduction, you should take certain preliminary steps to see if the condition can correct on its own:

  • Visit an endocrinologist – Often, gynecomastia is caused by a hormone imbalance. High levels of estrogen, low levels of testosterone or a combination of these issues can result in enlarged breast tissue. An endocrinologist can identify whether your gynecomastia is being caused by a hormone imbalance and recommend the proper treatment to correct this problem.
  • Wait until after puberty – Many teenage boys experience gynecomastia due to the hormone changes that occur during puberty. For this reason, we recommend that you wait until you enter adulthood to see if the issue resolves on its own as a proper hormone balance is restored after puberty.
  • Lose weight – Obesity can cause you to develop excess breast tissue. Obese men with gynecomastia should take the steps to lose weight before opting for male breast reduction. Often, weight loss will help resolve the condition.

Candidacy Criteria for Male Breast Reduction

If taking these preliminary steps doesn’t help resolve your gynecomastia, it may be time to consider male breast reduction. In general, ideal gynecomastia surgery candidates:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcome of their procedure
  • Experience enlarged breast tissue
  • Feel self-conscious about the appearance of their breasts
  • Have good skin elasticity
  • Have maintained a stable breast size
  • Don’t smoke or are willing to quit before surgery and throughout the recovery period

Contact our Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon

Please contact Dr. David Bogue using the form on this page or call 561-886-1000 today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding areas of Florida.

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