Authored by: Dr. David Bogue
While complications are rare when breast augmentation is performed by a highly skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, they do occur on occasion. One of the less common complications is called a double bubble.
Double bubble occurs when folds appear beneath the breasts due to the implant shifting positions following surgery. This creates an unnatural indentation across the bottom of the breast. It is most visible when your arms are raised above your head, and it results in a “four-beast” appearance.
Causes of Double Bubble
Common causes of double bubble include:
- Improper breast implant placement – This can cause the implant to shift out of position, creating a double bubble.
- Submuscular implant placement with sagging breasts – When you experience severe sagging issues and the breast implant is placed under the chest muscle, it can cause breast tissue to hang far enough below the implant that it gives the appearance of a double breast. The risk of this issue can be reduced by placing the breast implant over the chest muscle (subglandular placement). A breast lift can also be performed in conjunction with breast augmentation to prevent a double bubble from occurring.
- Pregnancy – The excess breast weight gained during pregnancy can cause your breast tissue to droop while the implant remains in its original place.
- Inframammary breast crease is too high – This can create a visible line between the nipple and the new lower breast crease formed after the implant is inserted.
Other potential causes of double bubble include:
- Tuberous breasts
- Choosing implants that are too large for your body’s frame
- Capsular contracture
- Scarring from prior breast surgeries
Correcting Double Bubble
If you develop double bubble after breast augmentation, Dr. Bogue can help correct the issue. Common treatment options include:
- Breast augmentation revision surgery to reposition the implants, along with a breast lift to correct sagging issues
- Removing your breast implants and replacing them with a new set (this will usually involve subglandular placement for the new implants)
- Modifying the breast crease to allow the implant to return to its proper position
Dr. Bogue will recommend the ideal treatment option based on your unique needs and goals. If your breast augmentation was performed within the last six months, he may recommend waiting to undergo treatment in order to allow the issue to resolve on its own. These options will be discussed with you in detail during your consultation.
Contact our Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon
Please contact Dr. David Bogue using the form on this page or call 561-886-1000 today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding areas of Florida.