How Much is a Breast Augmentation with MENTOR® Implants?

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mentor breast implant cost prices boca raton plastic surgeonFor over a decade, breast augmentation has been the leading plastic surgery procedure in the U.S. That trend continued in 2017 with 300,378 procedures performed, a three percent increase over 2016, according to stats from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Many women have this cosmetic procedure not only to improve their physical appearance but their self-confidence as well.

At our office, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Bogue understands the many reasons why women may want to improve their busts. Whether it’s to address issues of size, shape, or asymmetry, he has the experience to help you meet your aesthetic goals. Dr. Bogue specifically uses MENTOR® implants for his breast augmentation surgeries because of their quality in design, function, and price.

We know that many patients are curious about the prices of our procedures, especially breast augmentations with our MENTOR® implants. For your convenience, we accept multiple forms of payment as well as offer financial assistance through CareCredit. Our wonderful staff can help you understand the financial side of your procedure to help give you peace of mind so you can focus on your procedure and recovery.

The cost of your breast augmentation surgery includes the implant fees, surgical fees, hospital fees, two postoperative support bras, and follow-up visits. However, the price will vary depending on the type of implant you and Dr. Bogue decide is best for your cosmetic goals. The following are the MENTOR® implants we offer at our office and the total price for the procedure:

  • MENTOR® Saline Implant: $4300
  • MENTOR® MemoryGel® Silicone Implant: $4900
  • MENTOR® MemoryShape® Silicone Implant: $5400

MENTOR® also has an extended warranty for their implants that offers many benefits in the event that additional work or repair is needed. The warranty is offered to women who qualify and Dr. Bogue can explain the exact details to you during your initial comprehensive consultation. MENTOR® implant warranties include:

  • Enrollment in the product replacement policy
  • Up to $3500 assistance for a rupture
  • 10-year replacement policy for capsular contracture Baker Grade III & IV, double capsule and late-forming seroma
  • $3500 assistance for capsular contracture Baker Grade III/IV
  • $3500 assistance for double capsule and late-forming seroma
  • Opposite side complementary implant replacement upon surgeon request

Dr. Bogue uses these implants not only because they are some of today’s most advanced breast implants but because of the volume sizing system as well. This sizing system allows you to imagine how your new breasts will look by placing the sample implants under your clothes. You can also view our before and after gallery to see other successful operations.

If you’d like to learn more about the MENTOR® implants we offer and about the breast augmentation procedure itself, please call us at 561-886-1002 to schedule a complimentary consultation today. We proudly provide services to those who live in and near the Boca Raton and Ft. Lauderdale areas of Florida.

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